The Little Things

This week, I was sitting in the library with a couple of friends.  The plan was to study…but funny how life never quite works out the way we plan. 🙂  Instead, we found ourselves lost in conversation for a solid hour.  Having a deep meaningful discussion seemed more important than homework at the time.  With just three of us in a quiet corner in the library, we were able to speak our minds more freely, and get to know each other on a deeper level, than we ever could have with our entire friend group.  We shared about frustrating situations and theological ideas, things that confused us and stressed us out.  It was the first time I had really talked with any of the girls since last semester.


Yesterday, we made a Wal-Mart run.  On one isle, standing around waiting for the others to decide what to get, I saw a friend walk past and quietly mentioned his name. He didn’t hear and kept walking, and I was too lazy to go after him, but my friends took it upon themselves to all start yelling his name. He backtracked, gave me a hug, and we talked for a few minutes before continuing our shopping trips.


Last night, our friend group went to Marble Slab.  While sitting around the tables, talking and laughing, one of my friends from high school walked in with a group.  We waved to each other and said hi.  As my group got up to leave, I ran over to her and we hugged and talked about school and her recent speech and debate trip.  She asked about a class and a professor that I’ve had before, and I told her not to worry, that she’d do fine.


Each one of these interactions was so small and simple.  Not anything out of the ordinary or super exciting, but they were sweet and touched my heart.  We didn’t have to cry, I didn’t have to share my deepest heart, and I was at ease despite the different settings.  The conversations were centered around the people, getting to know them more deeply and catch up on life.  41557295-the-crowd-of-best-friendsPeople often use “the little things” in reference to flowers, sunshine, a bird chirping.  But what about other little things, the times with people so simple, you almost don’t think twice about them, the ones that make your day a little brighter no matter the circumstances.  Get yourself some friends like those — the joy of human interaction is probably the biggest little thing on God’s green earth.

4 thoughts on “The Little Things

  1. So true! There are times when I’m having a rough day and a simple “hello” from someone brightens my day because it was a nice gesture. Real human interaction over technological discussions are the way to go. Good post.


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